Seattle Obstetrics Care

At Northwest Women’s Healthcare, an obstetrics and gynecology group in Seattle, we know that having a baby is an extraordinary experience. We appreciate that each pregnancy and birth is unique, and we help to support your vision of the perfect birth experience with the goal of healthy mom and healthy baby. We support a wide range of delivery options, including natural childbirth, labor support doulas, pain control with epidural, and VBAC. Our goal is to avoid unnecessary interventions and cesarean sections. We enjoy caring for both low risk and high risk obstetrical patients. High risk conditions we commonly care for include advanced maternal age, IVF, twins, gestational diabetes, hypertension, and previous uterine surgery. As a cohesive group of seven obstetricians, we have a provider on call 24/7, and our patients know they can contact us at any time to speak to a physician.

We deliver our patient at Swedish Medical Center, First Hill, which has a state of the art labor and delivery unit, an excellent one on one nursing staff, and a premier obstetrical anesthesia group which is available 24 hours a day. Postpartum care includes lactation support as well as mental health services. Although most deliveries go smoothly, it is reassuring to know that resources such as in house maternal fetal medicine presence and a level 4 NICU are available should complications arise. We feel that our patients receive safe, compassionate, and individualized care at Swedish.

Call us at (206) 386-3400 or contact us online to schedule your appointment in our Seattle office.

  • Obstetrics Reviews

    There are not enough words to express my thanks to you for the delivery experience you gave us. I was really scared going into this labor. You made me feel so empowered and in control the whole time. I am forever thankful we were in your skilled hands that day.

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